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Aquarius Moon


Aquarius Moon

Visions into the future ideals of humanity can bring a change into our world as we feel and go through sudden realisations shaking us to the core of who we are and what we have come here for. This may bring new innovative ideas that bring in revolutionary change letting go of the old out warn constructs that have come to an end.

A time of huge energy incoming as the Full Moon shines on the darkness here in Australia on Friday 11.35am, Sydney time, check the time for your city here:

This is a time to remember we are all in this together and as we have been divided in our past and our present time we have the choice of whether to come together in peace, harmony and in community to love and assist each other instead of tearing each other down through our lower survival instincts and lack mentality.

Gaining a higher perspective to make our world and our lives better will assist in this process as we use our energy to create this for ourselves. We are spiritual beings in a human body having a human experience and yes we have lived with the lower energies for some time now but in knowing this is changing we can and will live in our utopian society eventually, we just have to be strong and utilise the loving energy of the universe for good and not for hatred and greed….. Can we do this people, for our own sake?

I invite you to make a change in your life which will make a change in the world and when everyone gets this and gets on board we will change for the better.

Join me for an energy healing to assist you in your life to bring more love into your being:

Allow the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon assist you to lead from the heart

Do you feel drawn to Lemuria? Do you feel drawn to crystals? Do you feel drawn to Hawaii? This may be your time to remember you roots as a ShaWoman from Lemuria… take a look here if you are feeling something:

‘We see you shining as you unravel the program of your human life and each thread that unravels, you create a space for the consciousness and cosmos to exist.’ ~ Star Mothers through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf.

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