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Aquarius Moon


Aquarius Moon

Expansion of our worldly views through sudden realisations bringing deep transformation could have the potential to change your life. Through love and the values of equality and humanitarian ideals the acceptance of any new solutions brings an awakening to new possibilities.

Intuitive insights coming in gives you the drive for considering the future and allows you to gain a higher perspective of the bigger picture. Detach from the emotional drama that may just bring you back down, this is the time for the higher analytical approach.

Ground yourself in this heightened energy as you may feel nervous tension as the Moon waxes to Full in a few days in the sign of Pisces brining any old karmic patterns to an end.

Aquarius is the sign of energy and offers the full potential of our thinking capacity so allow your imagination and your intuitive thoughts to bring you wonderful new creative solutions. Spend some time cloud gazing and just day dreaming, have a pen and paper with you and write down whatever comes to you.

Don’t be in a rush, slow down and take slow deep breaths into your heart as erratic energy could present sudden accidents or illnesses. Take note of any cramps or circulatory issues as this is a sure sign your body is speaking to you to take more care and release any emotional blocks.

Contact me for an energy healing to release any blocks that may be presenting themselves:

‘Though free to think, and act, we are held together like the stars in the firmament, with ties inseparable. These ties cannot be seen, but we can feel them.’ ~ Nicola Tesla

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