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Aquarius Moon


Aquarius Moon

Walking the path of your life and finding the balance of the masculine and feminine within you leads to opening a whole new way of living. The old way may have taught you a thing or two but now it’s a time of innovation and thinking outside the box.

Your heart leads you to the changes that awaken your other worldly ideals and sudden breakthroughs allowing you to open your heart to visions for the greater good. What is it that you are committed to that has an air of higher perspectives for the greater good of humanity?

As you allow yourself to detach from any emotional drama that may keep you in stagnation and trusting in your intuitive insights by looking at the bigger picture you can express yourself freely as you individuate from the status quo.

Have a journal by your side over the next few days as the moon moves through Aquarius to not miss any sudden ideas and insights that pop into your head, dreams may also be significant too.

Do get plenty of sleep, exercise and spend time outside grounding your energy so you are not erratic or feel overly anxious. Enjoy a foot and leg massage to soothe any ailments that may be triggered by any shadow traits that are needing some attention.

Soothe any nervous tensions and body issues with Energy Healing:

Enjoy a community of loving souls as the Full Moon gifts so much magic into our lives, I invite you to join us here:

‘Innovation is ability to see change as an opportunity – not a threat.’ ~Steve Jobs

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