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Aquarius Moon

Aquarius Moon

What’s in the depths of the universe offering profound change in our lives and on our planet?

There is a strong connection within the heart of the universe to the hearts and souls of every human being on this beautiful earth. Feel into the expansiveness of the love and power that is there and now bring this deep within your heart, feel the connection and feel the love, connect to the earth’s heart and send her that deep love.

Love is the most powerful energy you will find on this earth and love will be our saving grace as the distortions that are not of love have no power over this time of change.

Change is in the air and as challenges arise this is the opportunity to consider not only the love for yourself but the love of those around you and our planet earth. What do we want for our humanity and the future of our children? Opportunities and sudden awareness of ideas for future endeavours can be on the rise so take anything in your stride that lights you up

Emotional dramas may come out of nowhere as the old ways and distortions are being stirred up from the depths of the darkness to be freed so be mindful to detach from them and ground your energy.

The future is in your heart and your soul, so listen to your intuitive insights and be open and receptive.

Utilise the energy of the universe to bring love into your life and free you from the distortions:

‘Most persons are so absorbed in the contemplation of the outside world that they are wholly oblivious to what is passing on within themselves.’

~ Nikola Tesla

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