Aquarius Moon
The visions for our future humanity and our own lives have great potential as we strive for the love of our true selves and take on new adventures that may just come out of the blue by sudden inspirations and wake up calls that shake the foundations to help shift from the old to the new earth.
Our true nature is love and when we can come from a place of love and understand we can change from destructive patterns to loving and coming together in communities to help each other live on this earth in peace and harmony.
Detaching from any emotional drama that tries to keep the old ways alive that are not serving the greater good and your life will bring about your own power, to then allow through a loving heart to create the visions that reside within you.
Express your individuality freely as your intuitive insights guide you for a progressive future. Use the power of your higher mind with your loving heart for the good of all. Come together in groups and communities as you consider the bigger picture and expand worldly views.
Take care of neglecting personal commitments to serving any causes as you strive to make any changes in this world. Keep a watch on checking out completely emotionally and if you feel too much in your head and your nerves are on edge consider going outside and putting your feet on the earth to ground your energy.
Your ankles, calves and shins may be a sign that there are ailments and stuck energy asking to be freed so do consider receiving an energy healing to help release this. Contact me for an energy healing here:
Take a look at this FREE introduction the Lemurian Shamanic Teaching Wheel with the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kyron:
‘You are always walking towards your dreams.’ ~ Pleiadian Star Mothers