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Aquarius Moon


Aquarius Moon

Turn the light on for the future from the restrictions that have held you back as the past darkness is being released. In showing maturity for our future generation leading with a love for humanity and striving for a world that comes together in community the future of our lives have hope.

Thoughts may come to mind that may have been a big part of your reality and it is now a wonderful time to consider those thoughts as beliefs that have shaped your life to this point, take stock of how they have helped you or hindered you and take charge of your own thoughts and beliefs and possibly consider some amazing energy healing to allow them to be released.

Sudden ideas or change in your life may occur out of the blue and may shake up the status quo as your visions for your future come from your heart and soul leading you to your true north. Leave the emotional drama behind and detach from it as you allow receptivity for your intuitive insights to guide you.

Spend some time out in nature as you ground any erratic energy you may be feeling, breathe in love and breathe out any anxieties and any self-worth issues to soothe your soul. If any issues arise in your shins, calves or ankles take it as a signal allow yourself some time for you.

Change your life with energy, contact me here for an appointment:

‘The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.’ ~ Mahatma Gandhi

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