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Aquarius Moon


Aquarius Moon

Feeling into the future growth of our planet and humanity our visions for our future may differ from one another but as we strive for our New Lemuria we may experience some sudden change. Our values and material needs have seen us living a life of greed and suffering leading us into living disconnected from our true nature and disconnected from the connection to every living thing on our planet.

Transformation of our structures are taking place as humanity expands through free thinking creating new ideas and innovations to assist in establishing equality and higher perspectives as we grow into making our visions become our reality, those that have the most potential.

As the old is being shed it makes way for the energy to be freed up allowing for the newness to enter. Stillness and detaching from emotional drama will serve you well and allow yourself to be in a receptive space to receive now.

Allow the inspirations in your heart the space for excitement and joy as you feel the strength to take the lead and to inspire others to do the same. Be in a space of love and let love in and around you as you connect to Mother Earth and ground your energy to her, this will help if you are feeling ungrounded or feeling nervous.

Allow the beautiful energy in this meditation to bring you peace and calm:

I invite you to join the Women’s Red Tent Circle and begin your Hero’s Journey around the mandala of the moon: In person circle:

Do you feel a connection to Lemuria and the Pleiadian Star Mothers? Open yourself to the teachings of the Star Mothers in Lemuria and create our New Lemuria:

‘How your consciousness see the world is how the world becomes for you.’ ~ Kryon

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