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Aquarius Moon


Aquarius Moon

In the big scheme of things seeing life from a higher perspective now brings with it the ability for transforming our relationship with ourselves and with others as our own unconscious patterns and behaviours have shown us how destructive they can be.

As change flashes through the air our physical lives may go through sudden realisations or an event shakes the foundations and frees anything stubborn that does not align with our truth, our values and our self-worth.

Consider your visions for the future as dramas play out around you and keep a check on any emotional challenges with those in close proximity as feelings may be felt. Strive for balance and ground your energy into Gaia as you have compassion in your heart with strong boundaries in place for your own love and well-being.

Keep your dreams alive and love your individuality and quirkiness even if others have difficulty accepting them. Open to your higher mind and receptivity as new downloads and intuitive insights are heightened.

Utilise this time with the highest of visions as our New Lemuria is being created through the power of our free will and connection to our true essence.

Sink into the love of the Pleiadian Star Mothers with me in this beautiful DNA activation meditaion:

Open to the flow of the moon in sacred circle together, more here:

Delve into the teachings of a ShaWoman with the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon together in sisterhood:

‘As you place each foot upon the Earth, know that we are present with you, connected through the divine grid that unites all beings.’ ~ Pleiadian Star Mothers

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