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Aquarius Moon


Aquarius Moon

As we envision our future for humanity and consider the greater good of all allow yourself some time for receptivity as new ideas and information may flow freely into your mind. Go outside and be in the magic of free energy allow your mind the freedom to let go for a while as you gaze into the clouds high above while connecting to Gaia and her loving grounding energy.

Through finding your equanimity within allow your masculine and your feminine energy to flow through your heart in your communications with others as you detach from any drama. Keep the bigger picture in mind and express your individuality freely from your heart as change for love on our beautiful Gaia may have its challenges.

Shine your beautiful and powerful feminine qualities and your special gifts unapologetically as you take this time to be true to yourself in any push and pull that may tug at your heart to what your visions and dreams are guiding you to.

Sudden shake ups may bring much needed change in our physical lives and in our beliefs and our higher awareness for the values we hold for our new Lemuria. Be aware of being unavailable emotionally and neglecting personal commitments just to serve a cause.

Bring free energy into your body, mind, heart and soul with beautiful Reiki, connect with me here:

Reawaken the power and memories in your Lemurian Akash in this beautiful ceremony with the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon:

‘Inside you is the potential for a profound awakening. Now listen to me, for this is very important. Every single one of you is unique in this awakening.’ ~ From Kryon channel to the Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Kelowna, Canada _ Feb 27, 2016.

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