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Aquarius Moon


Aquarius Moon

Expand into the vastness of the energies of infinite possibilities and be open and receptive to visions and downloads coming to us now as our lives change to free our minds and hearts of the illusions and pains of our past and as we bring a higher understanding they have assisted us in our self-mastery to come back to wholeness as the beautiful goddesses we are.

Be ready to transform our lives in unexpected ways shaking up and awakening us to our deepest inner being and our bountiful Akash bringing sudden realisations and new innovative ideas for our creation for humanity to evolve into our true Lemurian essence.

In detaching from emotional dramas and not allowing others the power to take us from our true north be sure to keep the love in our hearts and our values that we hold strong in our essence as we stay grounded and strive for our balance in the loving energies of the divine feminine and the divine masculine.

Watch for stubbornness and being unavailable emotionally and open to communications with others from the heart and soul speaking our truth with authenticity for who we are now and to be true to ourselves and others.

Now is not the time to step back into the shadows and retreat from these challenges we may be facing but to be the beautiful powerful loving divine feminine beauty we truly are and honour our divinity and brilliance to hold our visions for a world where we all can live in peace and harmony.

Co-create together the new Lemuria as the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf & Kryon assist in the remembrance of The Shamanic Teaching Wheel:

Experience and be involved in the Pleiadian Crystalline Grid Catalyst with the Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and powerful ShaWomen across the globe at the beautiful Full Moon in Aquarius:

Reawaken your Pleiadian Akashic memory with the original encoded Star Activations the Pleiadian Star Mothers gifted humanity long ago in these beautiful Lemurian Activation Code Cards:

‘When women come to the forefront and start exposing the things that are unjust, not correct in general, not just for women but in general that they will do it and the men will not and the men will look at them and say, ‘you know you’re right.’ ~ Kryon Channel, December 2022 Solstice

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