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Aquarius Moon


Aquarius Moon

Can we see through the eyes of love our visions for our world to live in peace and harmony to utilize and expand our perspectives for all to have mutual respect and freedoms that bring equality and egalitarian ideals?

Equality and having balance in our relationships is key to a harmonious life although there may be some contrasts that may seem out of balance and just don’t shape up to our own values and our needs with that of others.

We have the opportunity to be aware of our desires and our authenticity to express ourselves freely in an unobtrusive manner in a balanced diplomatic way by recognising the contrast in our relationships with others desires and that would rather be nice and sugarcoat things and withhold the truth in order to keep the peace.

As our own self love and values are being reprogrammed for our greater good how can we consider creating more love in our communities and for others. As we do, consider detaching from unnecessary emotional dramas that only make things more complex and keep personal commitments in the picture.

In a flash there may be some challenging lightning bolt events that shake the foundations of our physical lives and in these events stay open to and follow any intuitive insights and receive new downloads of information and ideas that could come flooding in now, be open to receive.

Forward movement through any changes that take place lead towards the future of our new Lemuria and in these times trust in the passions that are ignited within to pave the way. In the healing that has taken place from our past and releasing our old beliefs this has assisted in the visions for our future and for our self-expression and the urge for our freedoms.

Feel the divine feminine within and give her her power to exist in the progression of our new Earth in any opposing forces that may feel erratic and ungrounded and believe in the power of free energy to create from the place of love.

Be guided by your own body’s intelligence back to love through the loving but gentle power of Reiki:

Open to discover your Pleiadian Kundalini:

‘It is natural for the giver of life on this planet to be the one who is connected first to the Creative Source… and you were.’ ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Toronto, Canada – February 13, 2016.

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