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Aquarius Moon


Aquarius Moon

With our expanded visions for our New Lemuria held so beautifully in our hearts our lives on Gaia bring positive transformation to be free of the past that has held a tight grip in the minds of many. As we open to bringing balance into our hearts our love for one another gains greater perspective on creating new solutions with consideration for peaceful interactions and assists in expanding our view for our future generation with our connection through our higher mind utilizing free energy.

As our independence and confidence in ourselves feels strong for our path ahead we may have disruptions as we strive for equality as we express our individuality freely with new approaches and ideas that may flow in intuitively. Feel the love in our hearts and be proud of how that love makes us feel in any differing expressions of others views on our progression for striving for a better world.

Don’t let any undesirable thought-provoking analysing of others from the visions that could bring new ideals and progression to our beautiful Mother Earth and our lives in the hope of creating freedoms for our humanity.

As past experiences and beliefs have asked for us to heal form our wounds our self-expressions and desire for freedom with forward movement opens up our inner world guiding our direction as our inward journey creates an abundance that offers our spiritual growth the space to expand.

Through grounding our spiritual maturity into our lives we can learn to detach from emotional dramas that may bring sudden shifts in disruptive ways so be mindful of staying in our hearts as aloofness and unpredictable behaviour may appear. Be mindful of nervousness, sudden illness and freak accidents over these couple of days.

Soothe any nervousness with the loving gentle energy of Reiki:

Lemurian Activation Code Cards for healing to evoke your Akashic memory encoded with the original Star Activations given as a sacred gift to humanity by the Pleiadians so long ago:

“When the DNA of humanity was changed from 24 pairs of chromosomes to 23, there were vast changes in Human consciousness. The addition of the intuition of the master Creator was just one of those changes. There was also “Creative energy within” (painting, music, sculpture, etc.) and “free will of consciousness” (ability to decide your own path). Then, you had the addition of soul awareness (the Higher-Self). The hidden 24th multidimensional chromosome was still another, and it deals with an evolving spirit. So there was plenty of variety from Human Being to Human Being.”

~ Excerpt from Questions for Kryon: in the book The Women of Lemuria, Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times by Kryon, Monika Muranyi with Dr. Amber Wolf.

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