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Aquarius Moon


Aquarius Moon


Free yourself to the visions and dreams beyond the everyday as you embrace your compassionate heart merge with your creative perceptions allowing the flow of inspiration to be received from higher realms. Open your eyes to the wonders of the unseen and utilise the abundance of free energy as you accept the shifting structures and changes to transform your life and the lives of many that are taking place on our beautiful Earth.


Under the power of sudden encounters with lightning speed change new innovative ideas lead to the direction that inspires your heart with a fearless independence and a deeper embodiment of your inner being for bringing equality and higher perspectives into the picture for the creation of our New Lemuria.


In the event of intensity and overly powerful emotions deep evocative undercurrents emerge rising to the surface as truths and hidden secrets are challenged to be revealed, take care to detach from the emotional dramas and break free of any inferior insecurity of the divine feminine to rise in your power knowing that others may not have a deeper understanding of your truth and visions.


With your intuitive insights and innate receptivity be action orientated with optimism for the bigger picture honouring your individuality with a strong sense of conviction to lead you to your true north understanding healing your past wounds have brought you here. Unexpected and sudden events shake up your comfortable zones getting you out of any stubbornness forcing you to make necessary changes.


Stay grounded and aligned in your luminous sacred being as communications may be misunderstood and make you feel a little restless, take a practical approach to slow down to revisit your plans and visions and not overlook any complexities as you ground your spiritual awareness with healthy boundaries to not be overwhelmed in tending to your own well-being and higher wisdom for future egalitarian ideals.


Allow your body’s innate intelligence to heal with the loving universal energy of Reiki: 

Online Reiki Energy Healing with me, book here: 

In Person Reiki Energy Healing with me, book here:

In honour of the balance of light on our planet join the Pleiadian Star Mothers and Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf for this sacred time together:


“When the DNA of humanity was changed from 24 pairs of chromosomes to 23, there were vast changes in Human consciousness. The addition of the intuition of the master Creator was just one of those changes. There was also “Creative energy within” (painting, music, sculpture, etc.) and “free will of consciousness” (ability to decide your own path). Then, you had the addition of soul awareness (the Higher-Self). The hidden 24th multidimensional chromosome was still another, and it deals with an evolving spirit. So there was plenty of variety from Human Being to Human Being.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon’s answer to a question on page 198 in the book “The Women of Lemuria, Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times” by Kryon, Monika Muranyi with Dr Amber Wolf.

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