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Aquarius Moon


Aquarius Moon


Together seems so much nicer as the visions of our New Lemuria are felt deep in our heart and soul for a community focused world built upon equality among humanity as the shifting from the old shakes and breaks down transformation is taking place diminishing what no longer has control over the common people.


Feel into your inner knowing and empathic nature as you honour your strengths to detach from emotional dramas playing out around you for your receptive insights will be on a high to focus on your dreams instead of being pulled off from your higher knowing and forward thinking direction as you stay aligned balanced and grounded in your body.


Sudden changes may occur unexpectedly in the presence of the so called comfort zone of your material possessions and the value you place in your heart of your worth and your beliefs alerting you in the direction to step up and take appropriate action to your destined path knowing and having an understanding the painful wounds of the past are your teachers to help you rise into your own identity.


Freedom will feel exciting to you as your creative individual soul opens to higher perspectives as new solutions bring new adventures in love opening an expanse on a whole new approach to relationships although do take care of any aloofness and flitting about and being unavailable emotionally as your mind is receptive to clearer philosophical thinking and encoding.


With an optimistic approach to forward progress flow into your divine spiritual essence as a spiritual being on Earth grounding and maturing into melding the balance of the mundane and the esoteric into your everyday existence opening to the free energy that is your birthright and to the abundance that is gifted to all of humanity from our beautiful Mother Earth.


Flow with the Moon and go on a journey for your soul in this fun and unique Magical Creations Workshop with me each month for only 1 hour a month: 

Embrace the Lemurian Activation Code Cards encoded with the gifts from the Pleaidians to humanity long ago:

Balance your body, mind, heart and soul with Reiki: book your appointment here with me:


“Question for Kryon: Given the similarity between the teachings of Buddha and Kryon, and the development of the Dharma Wheel in Buddhism, was Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) a Lemurian? Answer: Yes, very much so. The core teaching of the Pleiadians in Lemuria sticks tremendously into the Akash of the Old Soul who experienced it. Hence, it makes sense that, in the early days of the spiritual evolvement of belief systems, the concepts would reflect the Teaching Wheel in Lemuria. The masters who started these systems were those selected to “remember the Akash” in acutely evolved ways. Those at the heart of what is today called Hinduism and Buddhism were Old Souls selected for this.” ~ Excerpt from the book The Women of Lemuria Ancient Widsom for Modern Times by Kryon, Monika Murnayi and Dr Amber Wolf  

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