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Aquarius Moon


Aquarius Moon


As the skies expansiveness opens to the vastness of the biosphere embrace your connection to the oneness of all living things for the desolate land you place your feet upon is regenerating in her beauty in the depths of renewal, honour the process as you feel into your soul’s truth for the betterment of your existence considering the old beliefs that have had you bound feel into your heart’s knowing as you appreciate and love your uniqueness balancing your individuality and your connections in your relationships, flow with the changes unearthing any resistance to moving out of your comfort zone and breaking free from the tight grips of materialism as encounters challenge the loving feeling of home and security from past wounds allow the mysteries to unfold as the illusions are washed away with perspectives from a higher knowing.


Keep yourself grounded and connected to Mother Earth as you detach from any emotional dramas holding love in your heart open your full potential to your instinctual knowing honouring your purposeful desires and drive showing mutual respect for the freedoms of others establish equality for all as you feel a push pull with your soul’s growth feeling into your heartstrings in the grander gestures of love let go of a cold closed heart and aloofness opening to the generosity of a loving heart as you keep an optimistic focus for expansive growth allowing higher wisdom and fresh ideas to flow into your mind taking action with great passion and curiosity understanding there is ever changing circumstances of growth adapt to the multifaceted nature of humanity with a sense of adventure embracing the flow of abundance on your quest for greater freedoms.


Embrace your inner medicine and wisdom as you own your own power and self-mastery delving into uncomfortable bumps with your material and financial possessions as you find a balance in opening your communication from your heart and trusting your intuitive insights express yourself authentically and freely being heartfelt with confidence to shine your unique light for the greater good with your colourful words take care to not over dramatise things and display jealous tantrums in the declarations of love and relationships as important communication drives your beliefs into your passionate erogenous curiosity of your mind and intellect for the choices in stimulating interests although be sure to stay focused on your most important responsibilities at hand.  


Allow the loving Universal Life Force of Reiki into your life assisting your healing journey: book your appointment with me here:


Transform and balance your life with the loving wisdom of the “Dragons of Mu” and the love of Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf: 


“The question has been asked, “So, when are we going to meet your brothers? When will the Pleiadians return to the planet?” Oh, I don’t think it’s a mystery to you. They visit regularly. Some see them, some don’t. There’s no sinister plan, dear ones. When they watch you, they watch in love to see how the garden is growing. Should you last through the 144,000 years, at the end of the test you will be just like them – a planet that is enlightened, one with the attributes of the Great Central Sun. [Kryon smile] ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling “The History of Humanity” given in western Mediterranean Sea 8th Annual Kryon Cruise – August/September 2007.

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