Envision Higher Potentials and Break Free of Addictions.
Feel into your grateful loving heart shining your light as you uplift yourself and others flowing into the evolving changes for humanities breakthroughs into equality, innovative solutions and social reform dismantling and breaking free of deep rooted power and authoritative issues examining the freedoms of free thinking and greater potentials of ethical visions for the New Lemuria. Honour Mother Earth and her beautiful flow of life giving waters realising the precious elixir of unconditional love and compassion in your heart opening to the love of the universe strengthening your multidimensional sense of self, your spiritual values and your self-worth respecting what you have to offer the world. Dive deeper into your dreams and artistic imaginative creativity releasing addictions, fears and escapism reassessing any aggressiveness and feelings of volatility controlling your willpower and assertiveness or lack of as tensions flash like lightning bolts in the discovery to find balance and fairness in relationships. Detach from emotional dramas respecting everyone’s individuality and freedoms finding the middle ground with everyone’s desires and needs in mind as rebelliousness and fear of losing your independence only upsets your own inner balance and leading with authenticity and courage on your spiritual path.
Open to Higher Love and Value Your Worthiness.
Open your higher mind to a greater flow of receptivity and intuitive insights as you put your feet on Gaia grounding and stabilising your energies into her heart, expand your consciousness redefining your beliefs and philosophical understanding broadening your intellectual knowledge navigating the chemistry of the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine energies within you in search for higher truths. Shake off any stubbornness and being emotionally unavailable taking care of overlooking complexities in surprises and shocks challenging your worthiness and sense of value flowing with the gifts to evolve and grow through the pains of your childhood wounds into your authenticity and self-mastery gaining wisdom and confidence, express freely and unashamedly your truth reclaiming your voice and your innate feminine powers without fear of judgment in the expressions of embodying your beautiful feminine powers responsibly embracing your vulnerability as a strength lighting a light on give and take within the passions of intimacy and equality in your relationships blending the potency of open-mindedness and optimism building a bridge supporting honesty and quirkiness full of interesting conversations and unique surprises of unconventionality in relationships valuing common interests and shared passions for the greater good reassuring any needs of faithfulness and mutual support clarifying any misunderstandings and pending conversations to clear the air transcending physical limitations and unworthiness. Value letting go of control trusting in your intuitive insights connecting with your deeper feelings flowing with the support of visions of higher unconditional love and compassion with your lover.
“There have been those who have asked how physical beings like Humans, back then [in Lemuria], could suddenly decide to become multidimensional and enter a mountain and stay there with the attributes of a time capsule [the Lemurian story of Telos and Shasta]. That is too unbelievable! It’s not something that you can conceive, and it becomes eye-rolling information to those who hear it. Truly, it’s because the Lemurians had a perception, given to them by the Pleiadians, that was equivalent to one more dimension than you have.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling “The Lemurian Connection” given in Mt. Shasta, California – June 20, 2004.
Create with the Magical energies of the Moon and the love of the Star Mothers living in alignment creating your 2025 with your hearts intentions: https://wix.to/k7AL9U7
Unlock your inner power in this FREE 30 day Lemurian Quest beautifully embracing the journey with the Star Mothers love and Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf guiding you: https://bit.ly/3Bz4lGa
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