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Aquarius Moon


Trusting the Journey of the Soul.

Intuitively feel the expansion of your own knowing receptively trusting there is more than meets the eye as you traverse beyond the physical planes into the ethereal keeping the faith in the unlimited possibilities. Kick off your shoes and ground yourself on Mother Earth making a wish upon a star. Check in with your heart and detach from the emotional dramas afoot in the occurrence of diving deep into the subconscious realms. Surrender to the ending cycles with compassion and forgiveness knowing and trusting there is a higher purpose as you release and shed the struggles with power and control, determining higher consciousness can and will shape a greater future for yourself and humanity. As tensions surface calm any anxieties with your breath slowing down your mind integrating your head, your heart and your creation centre opening to intuitive insights while you navigate balancing relationship dynamics. Break free of the constraints of societal expectations finding balance of the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine within you for a more fluid holistic sense of self. Do not overlook complexities or oversimplify things expressing your individuality freely encouraging authenticity and equality for each other’s needs and desires. Tap into your confidence leaving any self-doubt and insecurity behind owning your true identity as the wounds of the past may re-open, patch them with so much love and compassion knowing you have the power of free energy to bring an inundation of higher love to encompass the wounds.


Opening to Divine Wisdom.

Access the bigger picture pointing you in the direction of your soul’s growth dissolving the karma with a compassionate courageous heart as you yield the flow of the unseen world. Explore a heightened intuitive ability navigating the physical and the spiritual realms discerning any misconceptions obscuring your visions. Surrender to the divine letting go integrating the gift of oneness. Gain greater insights to your dreams and enlightening swift ideas and creativity solutions as you journey inward discovering answers you may be seeking. Unearth a healthier relationship with Mother Earth as a radical overhaul from the conventional constrictions undrape the stubborn restrictive ways formed in your material comforts and sense of security, opening up a higher dimension for new solutions revamping the sluggish grounds into forward progress to grow and revolutionise your voice for a new way forward. Strive for humanitarian ideals and equality with mutual respect for everyone’s freedoms checking in with your values assisting with your choices as you lean into the wisdom of faith and optimism. Be flexible and curious adapting to the receptiveness of the powers of your imagination and intellectual inspirations exploring new sources of diverse potentials for your growth. Lighten up finding the fun in learning new things, listening attentively to your expressions be mindful of expanding what you focus on without becoming overzealous or impatient and bored.


Awakening Love and Inner Power.

Dive into your passions with a boost of higher love energy lighting up your soul’s self-love valuing your unique expressions emphasising your enthusiasm to explore the art of fashioning your beauty, your finances and your love life keeping track of tempted flashes in the pan and overspending just to spice things up with a mindful awareness of how your energy is being dispersed. Tap into the tempo of the gods raining down plentiful generosity in your favour blessing your uniqueness with a little extra goodness for your dreams and visions. Consider a little reconciliation with the anger and emotional wounds of pain and suffering of the sacred masculine’s lack of nurturing and love from childhood as you gain a higher perspective to the causes in the mysteries of your mundane existence teaching you the magic you hold within you back to wholeness. A sudden jolt of lightning evanescence takes any permanency out of the box and into unexpected territory sparking a sudden leap of faith trusting in new solutions coming on board knowing you have the sacred feminine innate power to strive for equality and balance in your relationships as you surrender to the forces of unconditional love.


“The planet is different. The times are different. But you, old souls, are the same. Wiser, of course, in a new body, in a new time, for a new planetary awakening. Bring in the light, beloved ones. Bring in the light.” ~ Excerpt from the Star Mothers through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, April Star Mothers New Moon Portal, April 21, 2020.


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