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Aquarius Moon

Aquarius Moon

Thinking might be on our minds…. our minds might be thinking small or our minds might be thinking big…. as we live our lives and chose our direction we wish to take we are allowing our minds to create our world we live in and our life we are living.

When we realise we have the free will and the free energy to create our lives we can then use the power of our mind to send out to the universe our true hearts desires. ‘Heart’ being the big emphasis here… for when we send out to the universe our thoughts and desires that are from the lower mind we create from a place of lack, survival, suffering, greed and distruction.

The challenge right now is we have a choice for our lives as the energy on this planet has changed and is still changing and the more we bring love into our hearts and compassion for all the more we can make great changes to our lives and to the planet we live in.

What type of world are we creating for our children and their children and the generations to come?

We must be serious and consider carefully what our thoughts are creating and allow the strengths of the Aquarius Moon to detach from emotional drama, strive for equality and humanitarian ideals for all so we can be free of the old out dated world we have out grown.

We might find our nerves on edge and we could feel erratic and emotionally unavailable so do take some time to bring the mind into a calm state by breathing into the heart, grounding on the earth or maybe even receive and energy healing to come out of the lower energies.

Contact me for a soothing and calming Reiki Energy Treatment

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‘Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.’

~ Dalai Lama

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