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Aquarius Moon


Aquarius Moon

When you consider everything is energy and whatever frequency vibrates out is what will ultimately vibrate back. This has a profundity to it and when we have free energy with our free will what are we actually creating in our world.

We are amazing spiritual human beings that are very capable of creating a world that is of love, peace and harmony if we so wish. It is ultimately up to us to be the change we wish to see firstly in ourselves as this is the best place to start and then as our energy is everything that frequency will be spread out into our world allowing for a shift in our humanity.

Get the picture?

Well using imagery and the vibration from our hearts from a place of love and compassion we can make this change. We can make it in our own lives and in the lives of others.

Detaching from the emotional drama and considering what this drama is creating we can open ourselves up to express our individuality, our new insights and ideas that may just come with a flash of lightning, a lightning bolt moment that may just help change the world, who knows….

Our energy system may be a little erratic and ungrounded through this moon’s energies so be mindful of this and take care of your lower mind with grounding and the perfect cocktail of energy medicine, mmm nice.

Maybe you are feeling a little ungrounded and feel a sense of nervousness and if this is the case I can assist you with energy healing with Reiki as this will assist your energy centres and with grounding

Bring love into your heart and gather in circle with me at our next Women’s Red Tent Circle:

In Person Circle:

At this great time of change feel the love in your heart and join the teachings from the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon bringing us back to our true soul selves

‘If you want to find secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.’ ~ Nikola Tesla

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