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Aquarius Moon

Aquarius Moon

Visions and ideas may just present themselves suddenly when we least expect it so be prepared for jotting down anything that comes to mind or you see visions that may just give you some sort of guidance or message for this may just be something that could be a game changer in your life and the world.

Allow for some time to just day dream in a quiet state away from the fast pace of today’s goings on and take some time to slow down so that you can receive higher guidance. Go outside and be in nature look at the sky and the clouds over this two day window in the Aquarius Moon energy.

There may be the possibility of a sudden awakening to the bigger picture of our lives bringing changes for our freedoms as human beings. For all energy is free and when we realise we can use this energy for creating and generating for our lives how we envision our future to be, we have the power to do so.

Our achievements for creating a world that everybody has freedoms and mutual respect in loving communities together will be our own making, we are the ones we have been waiting for, there’s no time like the present.

Join me in assisting you in your life through these changing times:

Our bodies are changing with the changes on the planet, The Pleiadian Star Mothers in a never before ceremony assist your body in its changes:

‘You are giving birth to a New Humanity and a new place in your consciousness.’ ~ Pleiadian Star Mothers

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