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Aquarius New Moon


Aquarius New Moon

A big opportunity presents itself with the first New Moon in 2023 in Aquarius the sign of the visionary, the humanitarian, the free thinker considering the visions for our future selves and for the greater good of humanity, the energies are connected to our values we hold dear to our heart in our life and in our relationships, our love and our finances.

As the moon moves in cycles so to does our life and as the exploration and experiences of the past has brought many life interactions we may have considered what has helped us and what has hindered us, and to move forward with the drive for the passions in our heart and to allow our divine feminine the love she so needs to shine and be seen, so to is the importance to have the love for our divine masculine and come into balance for a harmonious and loving life, we can find this balance within us as we continue to seek that balance for ourselves, this in turn will be reflected out into our life.

Expansion is here for our taking and our free thinking and higher visions are encouraged for a better world, energy is everywhere and our life is created through our thoughts, our words and our actions and the time is now for the change in our lives.

Express the love that you have for you and for our beautiful world, make a difference in the lives of many and be open to new innovative ideas and progression for our future. Watch for any nervousness being activated and any erratic behaviour showing up, this can be helped with grounding on the earth and connecting to Gaia, eating more protein and getting some sound sleep.

I invite you to allow Reiki into your heart to assist in balancing your feminine and masculine energies, click here for an appointment:

‘The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kind. ~ Dalai Lama

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