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Aquarius New Moon


Aquarius New Moon


As the Sun and Moon make their way towards each other with the pull in the direction of togetherness there is a receptive feel in the hearts of many leading with compassion and forgiveness consciously opening to the ideals of free thinking enabling the fields of energy into their very existence to evolve and perceive the freedoms of humanity.


With a radical prompting of transformative impacts the restoration of balance and fairness are compelled into societal change breaking free of stubborn ways in material and financial possessions and low self-worth to dance and celebrate the visions of the New Lemuria as we embrace individual expression and ingenuity setting obstacles aside as passion in your clear realistic groundworks set the stage.


Stay grounded and in your heart connecting to Mother Earth as higher intuitive insights are on a high as sudden shake-ups and crackling lightning impacts hit unexpectedly shaking foundations. With a mindful awareness to detach from emotional drama consider the bigger picture for greater perspectives to achieve equality as your sense of self manages any destructive belief systems to set you on your purposeful path with self-assurance and drive as you reconcile with your divine temple as a luminous aligned sacred goddess honouring your boundaries and accepting your perfect imperfections.


Moving through the cycles of life brings with it the end of a long journey as your lessons are learnt and you let go of the baggage with your dreams and creations set for manifesting for the new cycle be patient and be aware not to overlook any complexities and stubbornness as you take care of any nervousness with loving self-care.


Honour the divine feminine in a beautiful Women’s Circle together in sisterhood in a loving safe sacred space:

Online Women’s Red Tent Circle:

In Person Women’s Red Tent Circle:[Ma1] 

Are you called to the Ancient wisdom of the Pleiadian Star Mothers for the New Consciousness? Find out more here:


“This is an important time on the planet. All of you Star Seeds who are our children are ready, are awakening. And we are giving you support, guidance, the tools for awakening. This was just how we planned it together in Lemuria. You may or may not remember. It really is not important. But there was a planning session, beloved ones, where your remembrance would go to sleep for many lifetimes. From the small continent of Mu, you spread all over the Earth. And when you said “yes” in 1987, we knew that 2012, the Great Shift, was not far behind for your awakening.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, May New Moon Portal to the Star Mothers – May 22nd, 2020.

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