Releasing Shadows and Awakening Clarity.
Take a ride on the magic carpet into the abyss of higher consciousness in the darkness of the Moon as you soothe your senses and release the pains of the past freeing your soul to a destination unknown flowing towards the newness of the Aquarius Moon. Allow the shadows and old programming imbedded deep in your subconscious the gift of love shedding a light on them through the cycles of change as a-ha moments come flying in seeing situations more clearly and the masks people wear gaining a clearer vision of seeing things for what they really are. Detach from emotional dramas anchoring your awareness and your feet if you can, staying grounded and connected to Mother Earth’s love and stability as minds are active. Lean into neutrality and receptivity for new ideas and sudden epiphanies creating new solution with genius intelligence. Through any uncomfortable changes encourage liberation valuing your true self-worth changing for the better realising what you do value, break free from negative thinking, stubbornness and rebelliousness exploring your emotional intelligence for your own unique offerings. Find your happy place in your heart letting go of control keeping in mind not to oversimplify and overlook complexities and being emotionally unavailable recognising the interconnectedness in relationships. Find empathy and compassion as the fog lifts on any red flags you may have not seen or ignored, as challenges surface honour your sacred feminine powers owning your unique expressions and your needs and desires as you consider the needs and desires in your relationships, innately understanding both sides of any issues to find balance and fairness recognise you are stronger than you realise stepping into the unfamiliar following your soul’s urge for destined growth.
Anchoring into Sacred Calmness for Higher Perspectives.
As the Moon reaches her newness nurture and love yourself in sacred space finding patience and calmness as you breathe deeply relieving nervous tensions and anchoring into the sacredness of the feminine’s shedding process respecting your intuitive receptivity opening to beautiful insights on your inward journey. Reflect on how your mind has shaped your beliefs and how you have been effected by the stories and multiple views and interactions mentally overwhelming you with information overload, integrate what you have learnt and now believe enriching you with higher perspectives. See things from a different angle with greater wisdom as challenging lessons and restrictions clearly come to clean up the past into a new cycle teaching discipline and respect for creating your dreams into the richness of your service for the greater good. Through the inundation of revealing the lower shadows and subconscious destructive patterns shedding a light into the darkness, regenerate your soul’s progression for a brighter future investing rationally in sensitive conversations, don’t lose your own uniqueness and sensitive compassionate heart to achieve equality with mutual respect for everyone’s freedoms. Shift your awareness internally into the emotions impacting your own personal drive revisiting unfinished and unresolved emotional wounds and issues with a new perspective of any decisions you have made in the past. Value your worth knowing you are enough revolutionising your own beliefs into a higher conscious self.
Reawaken your Akashic memory with the Lemurian Activation Code Cards encoded with the original Star Activations by the Pleiaidans:
“Congratulations, ladies, you’ve done well to even be here. Because seated in front of me, indeed, are many Lemurians. They’re all over the world, you know? Lemuria was there a long time. There are many souls who were born there and who met the Star teachers and, later, moved on with many other lifetimes. However, the select ones of interest today are the women. The reason is that the women of Lemuria were designated to be trained as the Shamans and spiritual leaders of the land. Therefore, they hold the seeds of core truth, and the potentials for the evolution of Human consciousness today.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during Lemurian Sisterhood in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – November 18, 2017.