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Aries Full Moon


Aries Full Moon

Hold our assertiveness for our quest on our hero’s journey in high regard as our independent soul connects to our beautiful Mother Earth opening to the healing sounds of the Japanese Satsuma Biwa correcting our heart and mind coherence as the Full Moon shines her brilliant shimmering light into our lives showing us that which has been hidden.

As we feel a sense of letting go of situations that we may have outgrown and become too dependent upon our curiosity to explore new territory and pave new paths that gets our passions and desires intrigued allow the call to guide us in the direction that uplifts our heart and soul and move forward with patience and passion.

In the event of any uncomfortable and heated interactions take the wiser and more loving approach and extend the olive branch as we may discover what is out of balance and not reciprocal in our relationships and in our negotiations with our heart in the right place consider the effects on others with our choices as they need to be deliberate and with honesty for our own path.

Be mindful of being self-absorbed, childish and lacking the awareness of others and consider their side of things as we take their views into perspective and how we can be more self-aware to create more peace and harmony. Do be aware of our thoughts as reactions may present if we are in a limited fear based mindset and not in a more philosophical state of being.

Love ourselves and know our self-worth and values as we may have some unexpected exciting news coming our way with a mix of something we have been alerted previously with unexpected challenges that bring changes in our physical lives now.

Honour your soul’s journey in a beautiful sacred space under the Full Moon in Aries:

In person Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle in Aries:

Online Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle in Aries:

11/11 A Time of Sacred Expansion with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf live in Tucson, Arizona USA:

“Imagine tonight when you are looking at the Moon or perhaps standing under it somewhere you feel that she is giving you a gift. Now you do not have to know specifically what it is. Your mind will want to ask, of course. We know. But you do not need to know. Trust that you are receiving a gift and that you are worth it, that you have value, dear Shining One. When you receive that value from the Moon, from the Star Mothers, that value goes into your heart and comes back out in waves to all life around you, all of life, your work, the people around you, your home, your family, you pets, your food.” ~ Excerpt from Pleiadian Star Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, December 28, 2020 December Full Moon Lemurian Lunation.

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