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Aries Moon


Aries Moon

Inspiration that ignites your passions, your hearts desires, your true north guides you to what your commitments are in your life and as you re-evaluate what is worth your energy finding that love for your passions will assist in the process to the keys of your future.

Re-evaluating the balance in relationships will have a significance now if there has been some sort of imbalance and if there is co-dependency. Individuating and asserting your independence may be highlighted.

Finding creative endeavours and allowing passions to lead and inspire the warrior in you as the quest for life continues through the re-evaluating process. Take a slower approach now, trust and let the universe guide you through each and every day.

Take care of reckless and impulsiveness now, stay patient with the process and if any anger arises allow it to be released out of your system in safe ways as to not harm anyone or anything in your frustrations. Try some dynamic dance to release any frustrations that may still be lingering in your system, or you may like to take a run or bike ride in nature to burn away the energy.

Another alternative is to receive and energy healing to go deep within your being to dissolve the underlying cause, find out more here:

Are you ready for the new consciousness? Find out about the Lemurian Teaching Wheel for our new humanity in this free foundation mini course:

‘You were given pure information by the Star Mothers, and all that purity wants to come forward and allow you to understand who you are.’ ~Kryon

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