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Aries Moon


Updated: Dec 20, 2023

Aries Moon


Feel the strong connection with white wolf spirit as she comes into your presence know you are being helped to believe in your compassionate courageous heart trusting in your intuitive instincts to lead with determination to walk your true path as you find your inner strength to keep your dreams alive with the passion they deserve.


With the need for your independence embrace the curiosity that is sparked for taking right action with honesty and authenticity in any challenges that bring about conflicts from the past concerning money and old patterns that test your higher truth and beliefs. Take your time as you communicate from your heart and your truth transcending any fears of stepping out of the old and transforming into new paths with your ambitious determination.


In the throes of strong assertiveness feel into any childhood wounds or triggering fiery moments for releasing the traumas of the past in healthy ways will free you of self-destructive patterns leading to more self-awareness of headstrong behaviours. Set safe boundaries that honour your divine feminine authenticity and luminous light keeping in mind of overly domineering and criticising ways as there may be misunderstandings with others not completely understanding your ways.


Direct you passions and joyous adventurous self with optimism and enthusiasm aiming high for expansiveness through your inspirations and higher knowing lead you forward trusting your lessons learnt are the gift you have received. Believing and grounding your spiritual essence into your everyday initiate the warrioress in you as you know that forward is the only way. 


As you value your deep mysterious sensual nature others may struggle with possessiveness and jealousy in connections and feel the need for hanging on to bonds that may not have anything in common. Situations you have outgrown are tested as your hearts inspiration and intuitive knowing lead to new pathways of joy and childlike fun transforming the old.


Join the Pleiadian Star Mothers this Solstice. A truly sacred time of light and dark: 

Ready to let the old go and begin a new with Reiki? Book with me here:

In Person Reiki Energy Healing:

Online Reiki Energy Healing:


“What does a Shaman need to know? The answer is the profound wisdom of guidance. Humans turn to a shamanic source for help. Wisdom for decisions of life is the most valuable attribute a teacher can have. A Shaman needs to know these things well so that they can teach others, not just give advice. All of this came to you through the Pleiadian Mothers and it’s anchored in your Akash. This is the attribute which can change the planet.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan – July 19, 2016.


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