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Aries Moon


Aries Moon


With the increasing energy of the waxing Moon embrace your independence as you stand tall in the abundance of colourful pleasures surrounding you feeling into your connection to Mother Earth shine your beauty as a sacred luminous aligned goddess igniting your hearts spark with the feelings of love and inspiration as you allow your intuitive nature and compassion to guide you through the dips into any hidden surprises.


As you feel the drive for balance and commitment in a loving relationship for forward direction a steady mature approach will allow you to move on your instincts with sure footed steps paving a path seeing it through with a level-headed endurance and devoted dedication feeling a strong need for intertwined desires and intensity with partnership devotion.


Watch for wounds that have been suppressed from your childhood bubbling to the surface that have been pent-up inside ready to be felt, seen, acknowledged and to be healed in healthy ways as false beliefs show themselves keeping an awareness of a lack of seeing another’s view for the higher path to self-mastery is a journey of learning and discovering the truth.


Take right action with honesty and address injustice with an understanding of the higher mind to go beyond the egoic mind in communications for understanding from an intuitive knowing to pursue a common good for all involved as you instinctively feel your own direction to head trust in your authenticity and enthusiasm to start new inspirations as you honour your boundaries and divine feminine sacred temple in any inaccurate perceptions of others.


Keep the bigger picture in your visions as you stay motivated in the face of challenges that go deep into the underworld shaking the foundations that are not balanced in the loving energies of the divine masculine and the divine feminine as you strive for valuing the core truths of your soul igniting your eternal flame stay true to your authenticity as you assert your beautiful individuality for expansion of your self-worth are high valuing growth of abundance in this fertile time being mindful of over-indulging and self-destroying in any way too.


Feel the Love move through your entire being in this beautiful Star Centre Mediation:

Heal from your past wounds with Reiki Universal Life Force Energy:

In Person Reiki Energy Healing:

Online Reiki Energy Healing:

The Shamanic Teaching Wheel, Pleiadian Teachings for the New Consciousness:


“Self-worth is the last thing we speak of here. It would be a great time for you to start accepting that what you see and feel in your old reality is a paper tiger. It’s false. It is no longer accurate. It is a residual that is very strong, and one that hangs with you because of what you have been through, Old Soul. Think how long you might have been here on this planet. If you were on this mountain (Lemuria), think how many civilizations you have seen, and how many inappropriate deaths you have had. Think of how much sorrow you have endured, or how many time you have been a Shaman and it didn’t work out?” ~ Excerpt from Kyron live channelling “The Teaching Circle, Continued” given in the Big Island, Hawaii – December 22, 2017.


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