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Aries Moon


Aries Moon


With the door closed behind you there may be an aspect of indecision and uncertainty as you find the courage to stop quivering in your shoes and focus on acknowledging the light that shines within you and to honour your individual needs and face your fears, look towards where you are about to step, onto the path of forward momentum ending a long cycle impacting your concept of compassion for the past, open to unconditional love deep diving into your true feelings as you trust your innate primal instincts sensing the energies around you, explore the powers of your deepest desires allowing the past power dynamics the grace of redefining hidden shadows into the light shaking free and transforming your loving values of self, reassuring change for the better in your material world as fiery head strong challenges burn with the desire for quick witted words, courageously embrace your ability to take action in communicating your authentic truth finding the balance in asserting your independence and honouring your sacred feminine qualities with the beauty for your diligent acts of service.  


Transcend your fears as you stay motivated taking action that feels right in your heart considering the awareness of being self-absorbed and headstrong disconnecting with those around you, take a loving approach with your heart leading as you ignite your eternal flame and inspirations inviting your childlike nature and innocence the gits of discovering more joy as you express your words with reassurance openly celebrating the passions and talents of yourself and others giving voice to the curiosity in your mind, integrating the multitude of increased desires to learn and discover new and exciting interests and connections be mindful of what you take on and indulge yourself in as you adapt to the pull of the bounty of your connection to the bounds of higher wisdom of the universe and endless opportunities of abundance and growth.


Embrace your full potential as you honour the sacred feminine with dedication focusing on your service to humanity as a vessel for spirit to work through you feeling into your passions and drive allowing new ideas to flow in grounding your energy into Mother Earth centring yourself as the need for more excitement and fun may feel strong, watch for any areas of weakness of being overanxious about details and overly discriminating of yourself and of others as challenges unveil any deeper aspects of hidden desires and power struggles revealing the wounds that need addressing and liberating from assisting you in your own wisdom and self-mastery pushing past your own stumbling blocks to honour your personal power and lead with your confidence in owning every facet of yourself in the cycles of your life.


Love yourself and heal from the beliefs of the past with the loving energy of Reiki: book your appointment with me here:


Embrace your sacred relationship with you with the loving wisdom of the Lemurian ways: find out more here:


“This field is a large one and it is filled with information. Because it isn’t totally esoteric, it has substance in a multidimensional way. This means that you could say, it’s in a physical world of reality. Because of this, humanity may actually see it someday when instruments are developed that can see multiple-dimensionally (things in quantum reality). However, because this field is actual physics, there are certain Humans who can see it and “read” it now. This is what past life readers sense and read, and it’s also what medical intuitives are able to read.” ~ Excerpt Kryon live channelling during Lemurian Sisterhood in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – November 18, 2017.

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