Awakening the Heart’s Joy and Liberation.
Allow the gift of joy to radiate your heart with love and playfulness as you feel into the gentleness of the sacred feminine essence and her sacred waters flowing in and around you lifting your spirits and authenticity releasing fears that may be residing in your inner home, resolving uncomfortable feels and shut down emotions of the past. Take right action with honesty as you move forward freeing yourself from any rigid beliefs and old karmic bonds strengthening your flow into the realms of higher love and creative abundance opening your heart with compassion and forgiveness knowing unconditional love is the strength in you to transcend any boundaries. Explore and cultivate a strong sense of your instinctual nature and emotional intelligence observing and feeling deeply into your relationship connections with attentiveness of not overlooking significant illusions you may have previously missed lifting the haze from your awareness. Recognise reckless impulses and being self-absorbed connecting your head with your heart guiding you through the winds of change as profound transformation deep in your soul sheds your old identity rebirthing your unique originality and offerings for the freedom and advancement of humanity shifting into the loving new earth energies through unexpected turn of events. Stabilise yourself with Mother Earth’s love standing strong and resilient in the stability of your calmness and your inner love trusting the changes are taking you forward as you honour your authenticity in the desire for liberation in a new chapter motivating every soul to break free of the old mould into champion your own beautiful quirkiness valuing yourself and every living thing on our beloved Earth.
Reclaiming Your True Identity with Courage.
Face any fears and challenges of failure and inadequacy of expressing your true self head on with new perspectives as you find the courage within you to honour your own worth reclaiming your true identity that may have been lost or taken from you anchored in deep wounds as a child, recognising defences and pushing too hard for recognition determining the catalyst of mental overwhelm and exhaustion, questioning the stories and beliefs created from the sea of information gained in the mystery of duality. Discover your voice as you express your words authentically poised in the fabric of neutrality opening to a caring and loving presence. Rationalise your thoughts and communicate with a centred approach grounding your emotions with maturity and wisdom with greater understanding of higher perspectives without prejudices inviting intellectual breakthroughs. Foster patience as you develop a greater connection to your innate sacred feminine powers balancing your own uniqueness, needs and desires honouring your individuality while you navigate the desire for fairness and equality in your relationships. Respect your instinctual nature facing challenges of powerlessness and hidden obsessions stepping forward doing what is right for you releasing attachments to deep destructive shadows and patterns that no longer serve your highest good alchemising the unconscious into higher consciousness empowering the rise of the power of love into the collective for the greater good.
“This is the cycle for you to let go gratefully for what has brought you this far and intend for the rest of this cycle, what it is that you shall manifest. Now that can be as big as a new way to work, or it can be something simple and beautiful such as a small poem or a painting or feeding the birds in your neighborhood. We know who is here. All of these works, all of this play, all of this unfolding comes from the love of the Divine that lives inside of you. And the more you heal that separation, the more you will begin to feel who you are and why you are here.” Excerpt from Star Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, November New Moon Portal to the Star Mothers, November 14th, 2020.
Dive deep into the wisdom of a ShaWoman in the sacred remembrance guided by the Star Mothers and Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf:
Love yourself as you heal from your past wounds with the love of Reiki:
