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Aries Moon


Aries Moon

There may be some sticky mud on your journey to where you are headed but you can get through it if you keep pushing with enthusiasm and keep motivated as the sun is shining up ahead. Feel the passion in your heart for the passion will never dim, it will keep nudging you to what excites you and what brings fun and happiness to you.

Wash the mud off and be free of the heaviness that has accumulated, and explore the terrain with curiosity as you get moving, there may be some bumps in the road still but maybe slow down a bit and go around them or take time to go over them as easy as you can. A feeling of wanting to rush now may bring impatience and anger so do keep this in mind.

Feel your instinctual nature take over and just trust what you are feeling as it is rarely wrong. Being truthful and honest now is definitely a strength to be proud of and what is right in the moment with no second guessing brings the warrior in you out to be seen.

Enjoy your journey of life and do have some fun and be a little curious and let any fear drive you even harder to your destination.

Take a journey with me to remove the sticky mud and be free of it for good, find out more here:

Maybe you are ready to take a new road with the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon and discover a new journey as we head into the New Consciousness:

‘Fear is the path to the dark side, Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.’

~ Yoda

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