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Aries Super New Moon Total Solar Eclipse


Aries Super New Moon Total Solar Eclipse


In anticipation for the Eclipse to take place flow with acceptance of the cycles that are ending opening the journey of the 13 Moons feel into the loving presence of your inner values with an enhancing exploration of your revitalising love for yourself with compassion and a childlike innocence for your own interests of what lights up your heart as you focus on your spiritual essence self-expression flows into the immense love for peace and oneness keeping your awareness on your own healthy boundaries for unsavoury characters may influence your empathetic nature as resistance to honouring the sacredness of you and your true worth are on the threshold of a rebirth as deep destruction imbues a regenerative existence.


As the darkness of the Moon eclipses the brilliant Sun shadows are coming to the forefront supporting you with the opportunity in overcoming your past childhood hurts and karmic patterns healing your inner child’s wounds as the understanding of the pain and suffering you have been enduring gift you with the art of teaching others through your experiences.


An independence arises from your soul as the path is initiated for your courage, embrace your eternal flame within you to consider taking action on the inspirations that ignite your instinctual motivations with a compassionate resilient heart trusting in your intuitive knowing ensuring responsible steady persistence to flow with the currents of your spiritual essence ensuring your boundaries are still in check with others. 


With a calm presence have patience in mind slow down and connect to your heart allowing communications to have an honest authenticity as you speak up for yourself with a brave leadership assertion expressing your own needs and values as you transcend any fears watch for anger and recklessness dealing with it in healthy ways to not harm another.


Embrace your shadow self honouring every facet of your sacred temple and your innate primal power as you feel into the divine feminine innate talents and gifts embodied within you integrating your worthiness in all of your imperfections for the opposing frustrations of individuating from situations you have outgrown are looming over head.


Begin your Hero’s Journey embracing the initiation of the 13 Moons in Sisterhood this power Aries New Moon Total Solar Eclipse:

Online Women’s Red Tent Circle:

In Person Women’s Red Tent Circle:


Magnify your dreams in the Magical Creations Workshop! A Journey for Your Soul: 


Heal from the wounds of your past with the love of Reiki:


A beautiful loving gift to humanity from the Pleiadians long ago are encoded into these very special Lemurian Codes for Healing Cards for your Akashic remembrance:


“Some of your gender on this planet are victims. History and their Akash make it so. But you are not. Even if you were, you are not now. I want to tell you that every single one of you here is powerful in your compassion. You have compassionate action. You are the ones who will make a difference, because what you do as an Old Soul is something that is going to spread to those who don’t necessarily have what you have. You have greater knowledge and wisdom than many in this culture. It’s due to your Akashic age. You have a more powerful light.” ~ Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Sun Valley, Idaho – January 10, 2015.

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