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Cancer Moon


Cancer Moon

Coming home to the love and the sense of belonging in yourself has a deep resonance as the emotional waters lead you to your heart and your home where you feel most loved and nurtured, where you feel safe and a part of a family. The feeling is deep within the heart centre a sure sense of inner knowing of where your heart is leading you.

Emotional communications challenge where your heart is and where you feel the love and connection and have a sense of belonging. It is all in the feeling and your receptivity to have the intuition to your hearts truth and the feeling of home and security, of where you feel you can grow and feel included and welcomed.

Growing and becoming independent may have some growing pains through emotions that may surface to be dealt with. Allow them to surface from deep within for when we resist they will only persist. Old childhood emotions of not feeling loved and a part of a family that have been shut in have the chance to be seen and to be nurtured, healed and let go of now.

In truth the love and feeling of home that we are searching for is within us and when we heal from our emotional past wounds we begin to feel our heart healing and opening up to the love that resides there within us.

Heal from your emotional past wounds with me, find out how here:

Join our next Women’s Red Tent Circle and be in a loving community honouring the love in you:

In person event:

“It is truly a pure balance when one soul family member can contribute to another’s growth and create a beautiful life together.’ ~ James Van Praagh

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