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Cancer Moon

Cancer Moon

In the depths of your soul the love you give to those around you, in your community and in your family comes from a place where there is unconditional love. In this knowing now is the time to consider the unconditional love you have for you, to love and nurture your soul and to create the comfort that you may need now.

Gift yourself the loving kindness your soul is crying out for and allow your strength and courage to make those changes that will bring to you more love, and in doing so then you have the love to give to others from a place that is nurtured and loving.

You may be feeling and sensing with your intuitive knowing the needs of others in your life and in this knowing maybe guide them to those needs in kind if this feels right without giving away all of your energy as your needs are just as important or allow them their own space to feel into their own emotions to be processed.

Our mother may have been absent in our life or she may have not loved herself and this is ok, and in knowing that there comes a time when we can forgive any hurts we have felt in that understanding and to create now the security we may need for our own soul growth to love our family and soul family that brings a caring connection.

Take some time out to spend nurturing your soul, read a good book that brings you joy, make some nourishing treats to share with your family and the community you are associated with, get a foot massage and relax in the comfort of a comfy chair, there are many ways to comfort your soul but do be mindful of over comforting and eating to suppress any emotions that may need to be felt with loving kindness.

I invite you to love your precious soul in the beautiful healing energies of Reiki, connect with me here:

Come and align with the feminine energies of the moon in the Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle, find out more here:

Re-awaken the three phases of wisdom of the Maiden, Mother, Wisdom Woman with the remembering’s from the Pleiadian Star Mothers through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf:

‘Nurturing yourself is not selfish – it’s essential to your survival and your well-being.’ ~ Renee Trudeau

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