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Cancer Moon


Cancer Moon

As we connect with the moon and her ebb and flow feel into your connection to her assisting you in your creations as she allows us to grow in our newness along with her new emerging energy. Feelings may be stirring within as you bring your awareness to how you are feeling in your relationship with yourself and with those in your family and home.

As your soul needs the love and support to be nourished, community and connection with those that feel like family, your soul family, may just provide the love and connection your soul is searching for.

Your soul is guiding you to the growth you need to be nourished and to feel accepted and loved in your environment. Your inner child may need some extra care and love as childhood memories that are still lingering within may have affected you in some way growing up and are unconsciously running in the background.

Honour and respect your own emotional needs and seek out an energy healer to assist in soothing emotional hurts from the past to allow you to be freed from them to move forward in your soul growth. Be aware of your own emotional reactions and bring an understanding that they may just be coming from a place that hasn’t been loved and nurtured.

Connect with your psychic perceptions as you receive intuitive insights as communications with others bring you more of an understanding of your higher values that come from your soul to allow any changes to take place from a place of love and understanding that our soul is forever growing and needs to feel happy and fulfilled.

Connect to Mother Earth and her heart and feel into the love she has for us all as she provides her abundance and love for our needs and growth while simultaneously connecting with the Pleiadian Star Mothers and their love for us as we open our hearts in loving respect for them as our spiritual mothers.

Nurture your soul with the love of Reiki, book your appointment here with me:

Bring love and balance to you as the Solstice offers us this beautiful time of balance, join the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon at this beautiful time in our lives whether you are in the Southern Hemisphere of the Northern Hemisphere:

‘We are always sending waves of love… our love song for you.’ ~ Pleiadian Star Mothers

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