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Cancer Moon

Cancer Moon

Over the following few days as the Moon moves through Cancer creating comfort and connection to our inner home we bring to ourselves the love and care our inner child requires to feel safe and secure from any outside harshness that we may feel threatened by in some way. Wounds of our past up bringing go deep and as encounters show up we may be tested if we are ready to let them go or to keep feeding them with emotional fears.

As we take care of our own needs emotionally we can learn to nurture the growth in ourselves and our loved ones, our family and our community with an understanding that our growth comes in as we value our needs and take an inward journey to discovering what it is we truly value in our environment and in our spiritual growth.

Being receptive to our relationship with our heart and souls needs opens to accepting how our own fulfilment and happiness is so very important as we face any imbalance in our own relationships with others we may feel the need to stay strong in our drive for our passions, our truth and fairness and love.

Our conversations and any details that have been unsaid and left in the past may just need to be dealt with now with respect for our own soul needs and service to humanity in knowing our purpose and career is a gift we are here to bring for the growth of humanity and for our New Lemuria.

As we honour our need for feeling included and loved in our lives our challenge comes about in believing in our passions that drive us forward and to let go of old karmic relationship patterns and beliefs to stand up with love for who we are without letting others make our choices for us.

Feel into our psychic perceptions as our dreams from our soul are asking us to feel into their love and uniqueness and guidance as we open to unexpected shifts. Opposing forces of hidden past emotional wounds show themselves and offers us to let them go and to be at peace with them as our soul encourages us to invest and value our own needs and growth for our future.

Are you guided to open to your Akashic remembrance of a ShaWoman in Lemuria with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, the Pleiadian Star Mothers and Kryon:

Allow your own body’s innate intelligence to meld with the love of Reiki. Book your appointment with me here:

‘It’s unnatural the way it is today, and the unnatural part of it creates issues and problems. Common sense: Wouldn’t it seem more natural to all humanity that the mother energy, the one that gives birth and teaches its young, would then be the one you also turn to for spiritual things?’ ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Portland, Oregon – July 25, 2016.

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