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Cancer Moon


Cancer Moon

Allow ourselves the space to be in a peaceful place as we open to our hearts wisdom in knowing and trusting that all is in divine order with the acceptance of what has been and what is now. As we feel our sensitivities deep within notice how we are in our BEing as our soul seeks the nurturing and love for our own soul growth.

Our emotional maturity comes as we take responsibility for our emotional reactions and strengthens our sense of belonging as we open to who we are and align our dreams with responsibility and safe boundaries that honour our soul.

Belonging and having a supportive community is a high need at this time and we may sense anything that is out of balance in our connections and just doesn’t feel comfortable or feels off in some way. Trusting our instincts is recommended as re-evaluating relationships and connections may be required as we are faced with a crossroads and asked which way do I turn now, not sideways but head on to where our heart and soul feels is right.

Insecurities may be felt in our relationships if we are not honouring our soul’s needs and we may feel into our past on some level as we contemplate our own fears of putting security before our soul needs. Be sure to set healthy boundaries for a deep and loving nature with our divine feminine essence holds a key to honouring the sacredness of our being.

Take any encounters with a sense of responsibility as we respect our inner growth and courage as our will has the strength to uphold the love and peace in any challenge. Do take care of outbursts in the event of others not seeing things as fair and just on their behalf as the quest of life brings change with opposing forces.

As we feel into what we truly value and are invested in on our journey this gifts us with a steady change in our inner world harmonising with our dreams and visions and opening our hearts in love for our uniqueness with new perspectives that have the potential for uplifting humanity into our New Lemuria.

Value and invest in your inner world and harmonise with the love within you with the intelligence of Reiki: Book your appointment with me here:

Embrace 11:11 A Time of Sacred Expansion in a sacred space at Tucson, Arizona with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, the Star Mothers and Lemurian Sistars:

‘Let us give you this. Each time you breathe into or from your heart or touch your heart, we will be there with you and create a luminous field around you, an aura for your body, your mind, and your spirit. And this aura, this luminous field, is a field of healing and self-compassion, a field of connection, a field of remembering your purpose. So touch your heart and let us come in. Let us co-create with you that field so that each one of you each time you are breathing, each time you are connected to that field of compassionate coherence, you are creating a healing field for yourself.’ ~ Excerpt from Pleiadian Star Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, June 19th, 2020 June New Moon Portal.

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