Cancer Moon
With an open outlook feel into your emotional state as your soul senses needs for family and community connections feeling loved and nurtured in the direction of future evolution flowing into change and new ideals knowing nothing is set in stone with your abundance of compassion allow your emotions the space to gain introspection of your past as you grow more aware of your boundaries and responsible consideration for your dreams to become your reality through any challenging situation.
As you take a steady practical approach feel into your innate wisdom and psychic sensitivities expanding into higher knowing for great expansion and growth to long-term goals brings value with a steady progressiveness.
With your needs in focus and a loving understanding of intense emotional wounds of the past bring the process of emotional growth through responsible emotional reactions with an awareness of putting up any defences due to fear shuts the emotions down to deal with them at a later time with knowing the value of a loving purposeful connection of unity with passion and desire to individuate may not be in the same understanding of those around you.
Be prepared for sudden changes out of your comfort zone that shift financial perspectives freeing the grips of monetary possessions allowing any resistant co-dependent relationships to shift from fear and security to honouring your needs with fulfilment, happiness and confidence as your independent soul set firm boundaries to love and respect your divine feminine temple.
Feel into your soul purpose and your true identity to lead you forward as challenges surface and feelings of unworthiness from traumas of your past lead to opening your compassionate heart as kindness an love are your strongest power through deep emotional reflection feeling a push pull with broadening your power through visions beyond your current sight balancing the divine masculine and divine feminine and letting go of fear of growth with an empathetic view and of the dreams of others and their ideals and thoughts.
Soothe your soul with Universal Life Force Energy, Reiki: you’re your appointment here, Online appointments and In Person are available:
Lemurian Activation Code Cards for healing reawaken the original encoded Star Activations gifted from the Pleiadians long ago evoking your Akashic memory:
Pleiadian Teachings for the New Consciousness in the Shamanic Teaching Wheel: find out more here:
“Star Sisters, you started out with some precious information back then. It’s still in there, somewhere [meaning in your Akashic memory]. How far back it was in time doesn’t matter. Listen: I’ll tell you, again, that Humans count years in linear fashion, but in your Akash, it’s about energy, and not linear at all. You don’t use more energy to go further back in Akashic reading [smile]. It’s all together and some of it can feel very current, even if it’s absolutely ancient.” ~ Excerpt from Kyron live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota – July 22, 2017.