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Cancer Moon


Cancer Moon


Listen to the waves serenely flowing onto the shore as you embrace the feelings of inclusion and connection for your feelings are gifting you the intuitive knowing where you feel comfortable and accepted and where you feel the need to let go of the past and live in the present moment trusting your inner spark to courageously take a leap of faith shaking the old habits and beliefs with a motivated poise to open your heart to your passions with excitement.


Your soul knows with a distinct sense when there is resistance to honouring your own needs as challenges arise asking you to explore your emotional astuteness with responsible maturity for the growth of the soul needs your support in your unique offerings that are divinely guided upholding boundaries in healthy firm ways respect your innate divine feminine strengths with conviction and break free of self-victimisation as any sense of inferiority assists you in expressing your truth for reconciling the irreconcilable deep destructive intense influences brings a metamorphosis of communal change.


As you feel nostalgic and sentimental about your past comfort your inner child through any challenging lessons that have been sown for the reaping is here to assist you to flow with the ethereal nature of your soul gaining wisdom and mastering your responsibility in the physical keeping a check on your compulsive love rushes and passionate desires in your relationships for it may initiate in a flash and end just as quick honour your souls fulfillment in your divine purpose sensing the drive for independence and growth with integrity.


Emotions may be prone to boil as communications are challenged so take some time to slow down before reacting as you take responsibility for your own emotions and allow them to be dealt with rationally as pains and wounds expose the deep ripples of your past memories flow into the comforts that feel loving and caring being mindful of any passive-aggressiveness and unpredictability as fears surface.


With a receptiveness hone in on your psychic senses as you invest in the changes that encourage your connection to Mother Earth releasing fears of not having enough and self-worth insecurities opening to the limitlessness of the cosmos trusting in your ability to grow your relationship with a healthy connection to your finances with patience and thoughtfulness as you honour your souls innate gifts and talents knowing your worth feeling into the changes transforming your visions for future evolvement.


Embrace the love of the universe with Reiki to assist balancing your entire being: book your appointment here with me:


Awake your Akashic memory with the beautiful gift from the Pleiadians long ago encoded into the Lemurian Activation Code Cards:


Journey into the wisdom of the ages as a ShaWoman in the Shamanic Teaching Wheel:



“The feminine energy, which is here in this room, is what we are really discussing tonight. It is a gentle, beautiful energy, beautiful energy, and this is the energy in Lemuria that was truly revered. It was an energy balanced very well with the men, and we have told you this before.” ~ Excerpt from Live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Ottawa, Canada – April 16, 2016.

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