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Cancer Moon


Cancer Moon


With the inclusion of those around you feel into your feelings as your psychic perceptions guide you sensing the comforts or the discomforts in your environment for trusting in your intuitive knowing gifts you with a deep personal need of your inner child to have a sense of belonging and feeling loved and safe for emotional reactions may stir up shut down feelings from within for harsh encounters allow for any restlessness the space for responsible and mature communications as words may feel prickly from old wounds that have not been tended to, find your inner truth and connect to your empowered divine feminine essence with the strength to own your feminine gifts and powers with careful perceptions of illusions and confusion keep your dreams alive as you find compassion and forgiveness to reconcile the irreconcilable of hidden desires power struggles.  


Feel into your soul as you nurture and value your soul’s growth through any fear or insecurity taking a responsible approach commit to your dreams with a steady loving persistence through the challenges recognising your boundaries and resilience as you work on simplifying any complexities with relationships and financial issues consider compromising any stubborn tendencies to assist the challenges of co-dependency opening to your independence and expressions of who you are and the path you wish to lead guided by your souls truth recognising where you have given your power over to others dominant personalities.


Growth is favourable in a loving supportive environment for your soul with encouragement feel into the changes taking place for the better, connect and come back to Mother Earth and her love and support embracing the richness you value within her and within yourself allowing your soul to be nurtured in your growth and those around you feeling the love from the Star Mothers embrace your divine innate gifts and talents stirring within taking back your beautiful divine feminine powers with discernment of your true potential open to your receptivity as testing moments bring bursts of courage to speak with truthful expressions watch for aggressive forceful inconsiderate words in the moment taking responsibility for your own emotional reactions as resistance to feeling deep changes may feel uncomfortable acknowledging the old hidden shadows.


Free your soul from the past with the love and support of Reiki and my loving guidance and support: Book your appointment here:


A beautiful sacred gift from the Pleiadian Star Mothers evoking your Akashic memory with the Lemurian Activation Code Cards:


Open to your potential with the Pleiadian Teachings for the New Consciousness in the Shamanic Teaching Wheel:


“Let us give you this. Each time you breathe into or from your heart or touch your heart, we will be there with you and create a luminous field around you, an aura for your body, your mind, and your spirit. And this aura, this luminous field, is a field of healing and self-compassion, a field of connection, a field of remembering your purpose. So touch your heart and let us come in. Let us co-create with you that field so that each one of you each time you are breathing, each time you are connected to that field of compassionate coherence, you are creating a healing field for yourself. And of course, you do not stand alone in this creation. There are hundreds, thousands, even millions of people who are moving into the awareness of their hearts.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Mele'ha Wolf, June New Moon Portal to the Star Mothers – June 19th, 2020.

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