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Cancer New Moon


Cancer New Moon

Feel in our heart and soul any heaviness that we may be still carrying in our hearts for now is the time to let go with love and compassion of what is out of balance in our lives guiding us back to the lightness of our heart with the magnificence of our divine feminine and our divine masculine within ourselves to live in harmony and with nurturing and loving ourselves and our loved ones to begin a new chapter that our soul feels at home in and can grow with a sense of belonging.

Use our psychic perceptions and our intuition as we allow ourselves to receive the love of our Pleiadian Star Mothers to bring us home with their support and guidance to our true path in the creation of our community of love with our beautiful Mother Earth and all of humanity.

Clearing the past of our internal emotional turmoil that may have attachments to our childhood wounds and beliefs has helped us grow through our healing has lead us to know and trust our feminine energies and our emotional maturity as we take responsibility for our own emotional responses with those in our environment.

Our new beginnings may feel scary and as we care for our own soul needs and allow for the transformations to take place and let it all flow through us as our growth is imminent for our dreams we are feeling so strong in our hearts, trust our soul to guide us now.

Comfort in our inner home takes the spotlight as we focus on what we are growing in our lives with our passions that make us feel good to us and what we really want to create and make our lives supportive in our growth as we choose our higher path.

Connect with our beautiful Grandmother Moon as we nurture our heart and soul in circle this special New Moon in Cancer:

In person Women’s Red Tent Circle Dark Moon in Cancer:

Online Women’s Red Tent Circle New Moon in Cancer:

Bring your heart into balance as a Shamanic Tool with the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon:

‘This is the new age. It is part of the shift that was prophesised by so many Ancients, and here it is. This is not a Kryon thing, dear ones. This is a world thing and it is happening right now.’ ~ snippet from Kryon live channelling “The Teaching Circle, Continued” given in the Big Island, Hawaii – December 22, 2017.

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