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Cancer New Moon


Cancer New Moon


Wrap your loving heart around the sun as you open to the powerful alignment with the spiritual sun Sirius A warming your soul in the gateway of the cycles of death and re-birth revered by the ancients honouring you with the incoming flood enriching your soul growth prepare for the loving connection of the moon’s embrace in the darkness of this inward journey allow yourself to feel nurtured as you trust in your soul’s perceptions and inner knowing as the shedding of the old comes to the surface in challenges rolling the veils back from anything hidden under illusions and addictions and relationships of inequality oppressing and disempowering your true innate sacred feminine nature be open to the deconstruction of deep emotional turmoil letting go of holding onto the security blanket shrouded in the past taking care of your own needs negotiating any imbalance with a loving and compassionate heart.


With a longing for the loving feeling of home and family reach into your sense of belonging as you take care of your inner child and the wounds that have been playing a roll giving you the loving embrace to heal from the past provoking you to delve into the pains and turning them into a loving guide for your own healing taking the reins of who you truly are open to your empathic and sensitive soul investing in your psychic perceptions as encounters test your courage and inner confidence to fulfil your souls needs for supportive and loving connections, with assertiveness honour your identity and self-interests while allowing patterns of over smothering and pleasing others to be recognised with the realisation it is time to grow and achieve your goals that are closest to your heart and ready the seeds you want to plant for your future stability in mind honouring your loving values and working on the reality of maturing your self-mastery and spiritual creativity with discipline.


Surround yourself in a loving embrace as you ensure your healthy boundaries are set in place opening your heart to the receptivity of loving nurturing relationships that are tending to supportive growth for giving and receiving with unconditional love and loyalty feel into the nurturing of your soul as you trust in your intuition to maintain reciprocal relationships and allow yourself to let go if there is no sentimentality left releasing any fear as tensions arise challenging the need to please others in the familiarity and sense of security allow any wounds the space to heal with responsibility for your emotional reactions and neediness.


Open to the flow of the moon’s emergence of light as you move with the changes of financial and material possessions for the past is behind you consider your soul’s needs for inclusion of loving support and nurturing communities and family as you plant the seeds for your future as the inundation of fertile ground is upon you now.


Nurture your heart and soul and honour your sacred feminine essence this Dark Moon in Cancer in loving sisterhood:

Online Women’s Red Tent Circle:

In Person Women’s Red Tent Circle:


It is time to grow with the Moon’s flow in the Magical Creations Workshop, I invite you to create with your loving intentions:


The Shamanic Teaching Wheel gifts a sacred journey as a ShaWoman in these new beginnings of the New Lemuria: find out more here:


“Lemuria was the launching pad for the Akash of humanity, and you were careful and honoured it. So honoured was it, Mele’ha, that this is one of the chief reasons for the Temple of Rejuvenation. It was so you’d always be young and have menses. So, life extension was not just because you wanted to live longer. It was to continue menses! It’s a little different now, isn’t it? I want you to think of this. I want you to think about honoring the feminine, and beyond.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Calgary, Canada – May 23, 2015.

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