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Capricorn Full Moon


Capricorn Full Moon


Feel the coolness of the rock face as you embrace the brilliance of the radiant Sun’s rays giving thanks for the light in anticipation of viewing the glorious sunset on the horizon in awe of the magnificence of Mother Earth awaiting the presence of the enchanting Full Moon knowing and trusting it is time to let go and release the past with forgiveness and gratitude for the lessons learnt as the beautiful medicine through the wounds bring rise to owning your own identity in the discovery of your vibrant confidence for allowing them to bubble and simmer inside is not healthy for your wellbeing.


With a delicate and steady approach pursuing any challenges in the quest to resolve the root cause of low unworthiness and financial issues watch for any anger surfacing and emotional turmoil as the illusions and delusions challenge your dreams and visions trust in your intuition as you bring a focused clarity to the reality you are paving for your future honouring your sacredness as a luminous divine temple for spirit unearthing your soul gifts embracing your shadows freeing you from the bounds of perfectionism.


In the intensity of emotional and oppressive influences flow with the forces of balancing your souls loving nature in supportive relationships that encourage growth and nurturing and honouring your own ambitions and established foundations with belief in yourself for supportive communities and feeling at home with love guiding your heart allow you to explore your full potential to build upon your stable foundations liberating the demands of rigidity and oppressiveness respect and honour the ancient traditions of the Pleiadian Star Mothers to guide you with love for the creation of the New Lemuria.


Bring love into your life with the Universal Life Force Energy of Reiki: book your healing here:


Embrace the ancient traditions of The Shamanic Teaching Wheel with the Pleiadian Star Mothers guiding you:


Honour the Sacredness of your relationships with the loving guidance and teachings from the Pleiadians respected so long ago:


“Imagine tonight when you are looking at the Moon or perhaps standing under it somewhere you feel that she is giving you a gift. Now you do not have to know specifically what it is. Your mind will want to ask, of course. We know. But you do not need to know. Trust that you are receiving a gift and that you are worth it, that you have value, dear Shining One. When you receive that value from the Moon, from the Star Mothers, that value goes into your heart and comes back out in ways to all life around you, all of life, your work, the people around you, your home, your family, your pets, your food. Open this portal in the top of your head that comes right into your pineal and creates a pathway down to your heart and down through your belly, your hips, your feet into the Earth and imagine and feel – we hope you are feeling outside under the Moon – that generous light pouring on you giving you, giving you, giving you her gifts, because she is there. She spins around this planet because she loves you.”  ~ Excerpt from Star Mother channelling through Dr Amber Meleh’a Wolf, December Full Moon Lemurian Lunation, December 30th, 2020.

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