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Capricorn Full Moon


Capricorn Full Moon


Outstretch your arms as you welcome the growing energy flowing into the luminosity of the Full Moon opening to the love you hold deep in your heart ground into the love and wisdom of Mother Earth as you give thanks for your journey honouring and respecting all you have endured ensuring your efforts have not been in vain through each step you have taken with respect for the lessons of the past teaching you the treasured secrets you hold within as a gift for healing and teaching, allow your voice to be spoken through your open and loving heart with the innocence of a child speaking your truth as encounters challenge the old ways of the patriarchal traditions work on embracing your sacred innate feminine individuality harmonising and balancing the blend of your own expressions and your relationship with another’s in the flow of maintaining healthy boundaries as you carefully feel into the energy around you shifting your perception of separation into oneness and compassion feel into your dreams with belief in yourself reconciling any avoidance of confrontation and emotional discomfort in the sentiments of any relationship and financial insecurity.


With the courage to continue building on your dreams and ambitions cultivate and explore your greatest potential with determination and physical effort as you maintain a disciplined approach allow the flow of your spiritual maturity into your reality with a rewarding development of your gifts feeling into your intuition mastering your plans for tests challenge any rigid and oppressiveness to any restrictive rules and dominating tactics that impede developing healthy interdependence and honouring your own soul’s growth and destined path work on resolving the influences of susceptibility to over indulgence in surface level excitement in more than one place and taking on too much spreading yourself too thin with discovering a wider diverse connection with the greater truths and meaning of life and trusting in your intuitive knowing.


As the determination and drive touches the desires of your senses open your heart as you embrace letting go of controlling ways of the past feel into your instincts flowing with the affection of those who show up for you as changes from within your sense of self encourages breakthroughs of stubbornness of old patterns of conditioning connected to your material and financial arrangements allow anything boiling beneath the surface that is brewing to be set free in a safe and emotionally healing ways allowing challenging wounds of your childhood the space to heal and be seen in the eyes of a loving heart.  


In the Fullness of the Moon’s glow open to the deep transformation taking place flowing into balancing your own emotional needs and your physical security resurrecting your sacred soul from the past into the newness of creation of the New Lemuria as the flow of oneness melds into your existence of time feel into the purity of your sacred feminine essence connecting to your passionate innate sensual nature as you dance with your inner desires harmonising your relationships in the balancing act of your connections explore the middle ground as you integrate in the desire for peace and fairness merging with the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine energies within you energising your desires for intellectual stimulation and connections opening to new ideas and conversations that excite you with a consideration for staying focused and grounded.


Honour the traditions of ancient times in the sacredness of Women’s Circles and embrace your sacred feminine essence:

In Person Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle in Capricorn:

Online Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle in Capricorn:    


Heal from your past with the love of Reiki: book an appointment with me here:


Journey into the loving arms of the teachings of the Shamanic Teaching Wheel and embrace the ancient remembrances of Lemuria:


“Dear shining ones, we step into this meeting with Mele’ha and we celebrate from our celestial space, beyond the orbit of your earth and moon. We celebrate with you from the stars. And yes, indeed, it is a time for you to come back to that power, that all-seeing, all-knowing power that you have within you. This is how you lived in Lemuria. You did not have books. You did not have watches and clocks as Mele’ha has said. You had the deeper connection, this vibrational connection that you were born with. You were born into the Garden of Eden. You were born into this temple of humanity and divinity. And the first lessons from us to you were the lessons of that inner knowing.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, January Full Moon Lemurian Lunation, January 10, 2020.





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