Capricorn Moon
On the track to your true north take each step with the love and guidance from your heart as this has a powerful resolve coming from deep within your subconscious. Speak to your younger self and tell them you love them no matter what the past has been, for now is a new energy we live in and as we bring forgiveness to ourselves and to our father or father figure and others it brings peace to our lives and for further growth supported by love.
Transforming our lives through any deep hidden aspects of the subconscious allows for endings of the distortions that may be residing within opening up room for new beginnings as the veils are thinnest now.
It is time to structure the life that will support you moving forward, put practical solutions in place and do take notice of any new ideas that arise in your thoughts. Be industrious with any ambitions you have in your heart and get organised, use the resources that you have and watch for any rigidity, be more playful and flexible in your life, bring some fun into your days.
Nothing ever stays the same and as change comes along leave any fear behind, don’t stay attached to the old ways that are not aligning with you anymore and do be respectful for any traditions that will sustain you and your life.
Open your heart, be the love you wish to be in the world and treat others how you wish to be treated for all that we project outwardly will come back to us eventually.
When our inner world is of love our outer world will be the same, it does take some work and I am here for you on your journey, are you ready to work with me…. reach out and make contact with me:
Are you ready to discover the ancient Lemurian ways? Take a look here if this resinates with you:
‘Traditions are the guideposts driven deep in our subconscious minds. The most powerful ones are those we can’t even describe, aren’t even aware of.’ ~ Ellen Goodman
