Capricorn Moon
Find the beauty in everything as the path forward is the one that really lights up your ambitions and gets you striving for success. Feel there is growth in honouring the divine feminine and connect to her nurturing and supportive power as you strive to build on making solid foundations for your future.
Try and be more flexible as there may be more than one way to achieve your goals and ambitions, new and creative ideas may just come to mind so don’t discount them and write them down or pop them in your notes on your mobile.
Old ways of the past may surface that have affected your life and now you have the opportunity to notice them and let them go, maybe there has been a childhood wound that continues to create some difficulty in your life and when this arises the best way forward is to acknowledge it and then use the power of energy healing to release it from the core.
Family and societal dynamics in our childhood shape our lives and our beliefs to this very day and we may not even be aware we are playing this out in our lives now. Be gentle with yourself and others over this Christmas season and try to have an understanding if old feelings surface.
Any shadows or distortions may show up as being cold and aloof towards others or having a sense of controlling others and dominating them. Body issues may show up as being stiff in the back or knees and joints so take note if this is occurring and your body is speaking to you.
Allow the past beliefs to be freed with the beautiful energy of Reiki, contact me here for an appointment:
I wish you all a wonderful Christmas Holiday Season with love in your hearts.
‘Those who find beauty in all of nature will find themselves at one with the secrets of life itself.’ ~ L. Wolfe Gilbert
