Capricorn Moon
Sitting on solid foundations has a good feel as you have come to realise that your past journey has helped you take a different perspective into how you see life today. The reality of our structures and our values in our material lives that have been in place for decades have the potential for change and considering how we can move and build our lives with greater respect for future growth will bring value to all of our lives.
Old ways must come down that are out dated but there may be challenges as new ways and new beginnings shake up the foundations. As any fall of structures that the foundations are not strong they have to be built again with new foundations that are stronger and can stand the test of time in new ways.
In mastering your values and your own authority and believing in yourself in initiating the growth in you is the first place to start and then establishing your solid foundations that can support you in the physical, in your body, in your ambitions, in your growth for your life will set you up for the success and security in practical and grounded ways, it’s taking the little steps at a time.
If you are feeling bogged down in issues around time, take some time out and get back to nature, go for a walk, take deep breaths in and out, do some stretches or take up Yoga or Tai Chi, nourish and care for you and your bodily structure and relax yourself with time, take care of your wellbeing.
Connect to your heart more and Mother Earth as she is a beautiful foundation for our future.
I invite you to join our next Women’s Red Tent Circle for your heart and soul:
In person circle:
Online circle:
Does Lemuria mean anything to you, or maybe Pleiadian Star Mothers? You may have an interest in this FREE Introduction to the Lemurian Shamanic Teaching Wheel, take a look here:
‘I take you to the Temple of Rejuvenation… a time before the ice. A time that some of you do not wish to experience again, a time when some of you died. But during this time, there was great science.’ ~ snippet of a live channelling ‘Attributes of Health & Healing’ from the book Women of Lemuria by Kryon, Monika Muranyi wth Dr Amber Wolf,
