Capricorn Moon
As you feel into the magic of the universe knowing that your dreams are heard and as you trust in your heart with the power of optimism to build and create the new Lemuria for a loving and respectful life for all, discipline is required.
Believe in yourself for each step you take with your ambitions in focus building upon the structures you are creating. Communicate with the love in your heart and be true to you as you connect and interact with others through social networks and gatherings for you may just discover new and exciting information that may bring change that you will love.
Establish a strong sense of your emotions and how they may have some sort of control over you as you take the time to sit and feel into them allow them to flow and surface to be released now. There may be some childhood wounds connected to your father or mother that you haven’t dealt with yet.
Let go of any old beliefs and distortions from your past and as you let any fear connected to them go you will feel the attachment to them less prominent and controlling in you. Step by step releasing the fears of the past will change our future for the better.
Release your old beliefs and distortions with the love of Reiki, book your appointment here:
Discover new information to build the new Lemuria with the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf & Kryon:
“As you place each foot upon the Earth, know that we are present with you, connected through the divine grid that unites all beings.’ ~ Pleiadian Star Mothers
