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Capricorn Moon


Capricorn Moon

Holding the precious gifts of your ideas and dreams that are divinely guided in your hands know and trust that as you nurture them with your heart and soul they will grow in the most beautiful ways that you may not even expect.

Place trust in your inner perceptions and knowingness as you stabilise and ground your presence into the now as your emotional well-being may be shaken up and tested in your physical environment to the security that you may have become comfortable with.

Keep your awareness of your integrity and your own values in your heart and believe in your ambitions and in yourself through anything that seems attached to the old ways and may try to control you with demanding dictatorial ways.

As you respect all you have created to this point feel into your passions and keep them alive as you take each committed step in the forward direction climbing through with your head held high and create that momentum with a smile on your face and love in your heart.

Be open to new insights and changes that may come into your everyday life suddenly and see the gifts in them for they are divinely orchestrated to help you shift your life.

I invite you to join the Pleiadian Star Mothers to assist you to awaken your Pleiadian DNA in this beautiful meditation:

Immerse your entire being into the relaxing and healing benefits of Reiki: In person treatment:

‘You are ready to join the shift when this planet has more light starting to appear on it.’ ~Kryon

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