Capricorn Moon
In the beauty that surrounds you, express yourself and your ambitions with a loving heart as you allow a steady progress to achieve your goals. Make some plans to keep you focused on the bigger picture and use your intelligence and witty mind as ideas and sudden breakthroughs come to assist you in your progress.
Make some quality time for you, and your connection to your powerful feminine beauty, loving who you are and creating a fun light-hearted way of being through anything that may not feel like love, for you are love and love will always be the higher power, choose love over fear.
As your past has taught you to become stronger in your self-mastery and integrating the lessons into your life to make new and better choices for yourself take care of not slipping back into old patterns and ways that may just restrict you in your growth.
Let go of control and come back down to earth, live from your heart as you value what you have here and now with respect for the resources our beautiful Mother Earth provides for us to live our lives freely without the demands and rules that restrict our lives.
Take each step in your life with love, love for you and love for all as we all explore our potential to build on what we love to create for our new Lemuria.
A powerful love and Star Body Activation opening your Akashic gateway with the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Mele’ha & Kryon
Step into love with Reiki energy medicine, book your appointment here:
‘Blessed are those who are in Activation mode. For it means they are going to begin a rocess of cellular communication.’ ~ Kryon, 12 Layers of DNA
