Capricorn Moon
Our efforts and our dedicated discipline takes time and as we trust in the process of planting the seeds and nurturing them with the love from our heart and soul and with our trust in all that we are gifted from natural forces and our unseen friends our harvest will bring in the abundance in divine timing. Hold the cabbage in high regard and connect to the messages offered to us now
Allow the holds of the past to subside into the depths of Mother Earth and transmute them into love for where we are headed there is only love and there is the beauty of our hopes and dreams that give us the drive and motivation for detailed oriented focus for our committed service to humanity.
In the depths of our deepest distortions it is wise to see them for what they are and have been exactly that, distortions, it is our time for the old ways and structures we have created to be reborn into something beautiful so we can live our lives connected to our beautiful Gaia, to nature, to the cosmos, to our hearts and to building our lives together in peace and harmony.
Giving our values and our divine feminine power the love and respect that is needed now we are encouraged to see new ways in our Earthly life from higher perspectives and to allow the changes in our finances that will sustain us.
As our passions and love for our creative endeavours shine brightly on our hearts we may feel a pressure cooker in stepping onto our divine path and as this brings some challenges this too shall pass.
Open to the mysteries the Full Moon in Aquarius has for you in a beautiful sacred safe space in sisterhood:
Online Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:
In Person Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:
You are invited to this beautiful event with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, the Pleiadian Star Mothers and Lemurian SiStars for the Pleiadian Crystalline Grid Catalyst Full Moon in Aquarius, find out more here:
Awaken your Pleiadian DNA with these beautiful encoded Lemurian Activation Code Cards, find out more here:
‘We watched the humans, the women who responded to her cycle, and we said, ‘Yes, this is the perfect place for the new Lemuria.’ We bring that to you now, a little history, so that as you begin your connection with your Lemurian Akash, this waking up of what it was like to be in Lemuria, to live as Divine, that is what is available to you now.’ ~ snippet from December Full Moon Lemurian Lunation from the Star Mothers to the Lemurian Sisterhood, December 28th 2020.